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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Do Not Ask of Others What You Will Not Do Yourself!

ACCEPTANCE, the homosexual dream. Can we, as homosexuals, actually achieve acceptance? Or, is it merely a dream that will always be just that, a dream? No matter where you are in the world, if there are lesbians around, they will always bring this up "the heteros don't accept who we are". Though that may be the case, why should it matter when we don't accept ourselves and our peers within the LGBTQ community? 

In order to be acknowledged as a fem, you must; dress, sound, and appear as such. If a lesbian should happen to wear; baggy jeans, a shirt, sneakers, and a bare face; off the top, you'd assume she is an AG. See, that's not the issue. The issue is when she is dressed in that manner, yet portrays the "characteristics" of a fem, people tell HER that she IS an AG. 

Some say that people who chose not to label themselves make it hard for others to classify them.... well, you know what I say to that? ... DUH! Who voluntarily classifies themselves to meet & stay restricted to guidelines of their sexuality? Let me clarify, if you decide ON YOUR OWN to label yourself, that's YOUR choice. Don't let the ignorant and biased opinions of others keep you confined in a box of "guidelines" while you can be expressing your true, inner self.

People need to realize and grasp the fact that clothes do not define our complete personalities or sexualities. It is not your role to place your label on a person without knowing the slightest thing about them. Judgmental people are always the first to say "Don't judge me" Oh, no, we will flood you with ignorance until you beg for mercy. (evil smile, lol just kidding)

Acceptance from others will come once we start accepting EACH OTHER for who we are. No matter our race, religion, color, gender, sex, creed, nationality, or sexual orientation. You can influence many, but the only life that you control is your own. Live & love freely.

By: Poptart of 4Strong


You are 100% ABSOLUTELY valid! We walk around being judged by everyone else daily, why do we then chose to judge ourselves? We have to learn to free ourselves from these labels.

So true! These labels have gotten a bit out of hand.

We should get rid of spoken and written language all together then, I am a lesbian, I use words to communicate as concisely as possible what message it is i wish to convey. Individuals dress a certain way because they are conveying a message. When describing a potential woman of interest to me you can give me a wordy description of her attributes her personality and her style of dress or you can give me a few choice words to sum the whole ordeal up. Its my belief that people who have a problem with labels are the ones putting to much emphases on the label.

Acceptance, the word I am going to use is inclusion. The LGBT community or whatever it is we are calling ourselves now, needs to ask itself a deeply personal question. Are we ready to lose our autonomy with inclusion. Yes it is my belief that all people are created equal and should all enjoy the same rights. To blacklist a group of people from the same rights of the larger community creates a sub-group of second class citizens in which contempt will harvest. What comes with inclusion is assimilation. here is my point, when we are included and assimilated into the larger community we will eventually lose the Gay and lesbian community. You cannot stand out and blend in at the same time. Are you ready to just be who you are? because I know a lot of homosexuals that seem to have no identity outside of the small community they are use too.

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