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Friday, June 10, 2011

What do you know about...


Wednesday I went to a HIV/AIDS awareness conference.  I was filled with so much information that I felt it HAD to be shared.  Many people don't acknowledge the history of AIDS.  This disease has made it to its 30th birthday.  From its original debut in 1981 the AIDS virus has taken over 1 billion lives.  The most important information I took from this conference was what everyone believed to be the origin of AIDS.

We have all heard the theory that AIDS came from Africa.  Supposedly an African used Chimpanzee blood to heal a flesh wound which then birthed AIDS.  People ran rampant with the idea that AIDS came from Africa.  While some people still believe this theory, the next theory explains why the Africa theory was put forth.

It has been PROVEN that the HIV virus was given to many people as a vaccination for hemophilia.  This was supposedly an accident but a couple hundred thousands of people died of the AIDS virus by 1990 due to the vaccination that was given to the over a period of time. 

As time went by the accepted theory of AIDS was homosexuality.  The first cases of AIDS in the US was found in New York and LA.  A number of gay men were diagnosed so AIDS became the "gay disease."  Before the disease was named AIDS, a number of names were thrown on the table incorporating the idea of homosexuality. 

As the disease developed, so did the theories of its origin.  AIDS became evident in heterosexuals.  This is when people realized that AIDS can be contracted through drug use.  At one point, AIDS was known as the Haitian disease.  A number of people diagnosed with the disease came from Haiti.  AIDS was know for the 4 H's.  Homosexuals, Hemophilia, Haiti and Heroin. 

Interesting Facts
- Did you know that medicaid laws now have the right to deny HIV/AIDS medication?  Doctors can encourage you to get generic brands instead of prescription medication
-Did you know that circumcision is shown to reduce HIV infection among heterosexual men?
-Did you know that 2 people with HIV/AIDS are still in danger if they decide to have unprotected sex?  Two people with HIV/AIDS engaging in sexual activity have the ability to create a new strand of HIV that may not be curable.
-Did you know 9.5 million people infected with the HIV virus are still in need of treatment?
-First case of HIV/AIDS in 1981... by 1991 45,000 cases of HIV... by 2001 747,000 cases of HIV... by 2006 33 million cases of HIV


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