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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Ask MaRs

"Ive been dating this girl for a few months.  Things are really good between us.  When we hang out, we have a good time.  I just feel that she is wishy washy.  She shows that she really likes me but then she pulls back and acts like she doesn't care or isn't interested.  What should I do?"

This sounds like a case of the, "I need to remind myself constantly that I'm single," syndrome.  Some women walk into dating with the mentality that they are here simply to date and that is it.  They don't realize that spending time with someone will spark feelings and emotions that they're not necessarily ready for.  When things begin to get too good and they realize they are too happy, they tend to pull back because it begins to feel too much like a relationship.  People who have to constantly say, "I'm single" do it to remind themselves and keep themselves from getting caught up.  Take a step back yourself and see what direction you're headed in.  After all, you are single so you shouldn't be expecting much from the other party.  Expectations is what kills dating.  You can mention to the person you're dating that you are not ready for more so she doesn't have to be scared to let go of her fears of getting caught up.  The only thing is, when you say that, you have to mean it.


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