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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Top 5 people who finally let go of that "musician" title

Some people just aren't meant to hold that "musician" title.  Maybe they have talent that lies else where.  The music industry isn't for everyone.  Here are some "artist" who should seriously quit their day job and find a real talent.

5.) Cassie-  Boo you're beautiful!  Stick to modeling and making music video appearances.  Leave the mic alone.  Please and Thank You.

 4.) Lil' Mama- She had one hit about 5 years ago.  MTV made her relevant as a dance expert :-/
3.)Ashanti- Don't look surprised boo!  If you can sing, then so can I. 
2.) Whitney Houston- A legend, until she let the drugs eat her alive.  They tried to bring her back but it didn't work.  Her voice isn't the same, she can't be on stage for more than 10 min without her running off, she should just give it up!

1.) Amerie-  She is beautiful to me.  Hands Down, but the bitch makes me constipated when ever I hear her sing. 


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