The summer is almost over! Can you believe it? It's a couple more months to the end of single season then begins cuffing season. Are you ready to cuff your summer boo? How can you tell if she is cuff worthy?
You have spent 3-4 whole months together! She has put up with your shit and you have put up with hers. Hopefully she has given up the drawals and you were happy with the results. Is that enough for you to want to cuff her? I feel like there is so much pressure on people to start relationships. Most relationships don't last because there is so much pressure on getting into one. Please do not feel that because cuffing season is rapidly approaching, that you have to make your summer time boo your main boo.
And yes, I do treat cuffing season as an actual season. Everyone wants a boo for those cold winter nights, Christmas, New Years and Valentines Day. Depending on the cuffer, you might want to cut your boo loose right before tax season. I kid, I kid...
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