After 17 years, Obama has repealed the "Don't ask, Don't tell" Law. Same gender loving soldiers can now serve in the military and be who they are freely. While this is a milestone in our community and it shows progression, it leads me to acknowledge the lack of HUMAN equality and its need to be recognized.
Why should same gender loving people have to be in the position where hiding their sexuality is necessary? I could never comprehend the idea that loving someone of the same sex is inappropriate and wrong. Love in general is a beautiful thing, whether it be applied to a man of woman. So when someone dedicates their life to serve for our country, how dare we tell them, "If you're gay, I don't want to hear about your love, your family, your choice." I personally think its a slap in the face. It is dehumanizing. Until we can achieve HUMAN equality, then we are really just puppets in the superiority game. I'm happy to see that we are slowly heading the the right direction. Maybe one day we'll be able to marry one another instead of watching heterosexuals make a mockery of marriage. Please note that we have the #1 divorce rate in the world. While we are dying to be equal and express our love the way heterosexuals do, they divorce at a rate that is ridiculously unbelievable. I digress...
Congrats to the Soldiers who get the opportunity to explore self freedom by being able to express who they love. I salute you.
Perfectly's sad that we as gay people have to dehumanize ourselves in certain aspects because the level of other people's ignorance can't be downgraded. "Maybe one day we'll be able to marry one another instead of watching heterosexuals make a mockery of marriage" - Luv it!!
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