We walk around blaming cops for their behavior to the public, we say that they target us, we say that they don't protect us. I watched this video and felt APPALLED at the behavior of OUR youth. The worse thing you could ever do is assault a cop. These teenage girls decide to assault a bunch of cops. They're so tough and invincible, I hope they serve jail time. Shit like this makes me wonder, what are we teaching our youth? And what IDIOT will find a way to justify these misguided teens? I PROMISE you, had all of these cops been white, it would have turned into a issue of racial injustice. WE HAVE TO DO BETTER! (FYI when you look the video up on youtube its titled "NYPD fight black girls in subway." Definitely misinforming.)
I can't stand ppl like this because it's not just the youth its some of the older generation also
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