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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Fate of Troy Davis...

We live in a world where a woman can murder her child and walk free after serving approximately 13 days in jail.  Celebrities can drink and drive, risk lives only to serve 16 hours in jail.  Sports figures can have dog fights and serve more time in jail that people with DWI's.  And now more recently, a man who has served 20 years in prison for a crime that can not be proven that he committed(Davis is accused of shooting a police officer in Burger King back in 1989), will be sentenced to death today. 

The Troy Davis story is not one that has been widely acknowledged in the media.  Until recently, the case has not been too noticeable.  What are your thoughts on this case?  With so many developing issues in the case (from eye witnesses saying that they saw Davis shoot the officer, to witnesses retracting their statements to say that they were pressured by police to say that they saw Davis shoot the officer), should this man be sentenced to death today?  Protest are going on, petitions are being signed, prison guards are being asked to call in sick, the public is begging for Davis to be able to take a polygraph test, the public is even asking for the White House to intervene.  Should we have been advocating on his behalf a bit earlier?  What does this say about our judicial system?  What will happen if at 7 pm tonight, Troy Davis is given the lethal injection as scheduled?  He has already escaped the death penalty 3 times prior.  What are your thoughts?


This is a sad case. Casey Anthony lied in her case and went free the ppl in davis case lied and there is no evidence to prove that he did it but he gets the death penalty. The system is already messed up and it's getting worse.

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