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Monday, May 9, 2011

To the 3Minds Hacker...

I would like to HUMBLY thank who ever attempted to hack the 3Minds account yesterday.  I thank you because what you did for us didn't hinder us, but it made us stronger.  This is EXACTLY why there is a group called 3Minds.  We promote UNITY. We promote CREATIVITY.  We strive to make a difference in this community. 

When I first heard that all of our accounts were hacked, my immediate thoughts were that having a hater means that you're prosperous.  Face it, people hack into accounts held by people of importance.  No one is trying to hack into Ashanti's email account, they rather hack Beyonce. 

What's sad is that we can't be UNITED.  Women see other women and try to destroy them instead of supporting and empowering them.  This is the reason our community lags.  If you don't like what we are doing as an organization, then DO BETTER!  We will still be there to support you in your dream and in your vision.  This life is not about competition because my playground is the world.  The world is too big for me to look at anyone as my competition.  I look at others as my partner.  TOGETHER we can acheive so much more. 

I promote POSITIVITY.  There will never be words of negativity on this blog against anyone who does not support our movement.  Everyone is free to form their own thoughts and opinions about 3Minds.  Don't support us?  That's okay!  No one said you had to.  I do however thank you for your efforts in attempting to destroy a movement that has roots planted in the strongest soils.  As the good books says, "If God be for us, who can be against us."

People don't know who I am.  If you have followed 3Minds and their development from 2.5 years ago you're probably wondering where I came from.  I introduced 3Minds to each other on Sunday, November 2nd 2008.  I sat in the room as these 3 Minds birthed the idea of bringing together a community in a way that had NEVER been done before.  I silently followed and supported 3Minds along the way.  I have watched them grow and develop into some amazing, artistic entrepreneurs.  With all that said, one night of hacking a few accounts can NOT destroy 2.5 years of work, dedication and genuine love for the community. 

With that being said, THANK YOU!  We appreciate you.  It is our supporters and even the people who do NOT support us that keep us on our toes. 


FCK YEAHHHHH! Very well written.
LOL @ no one hacking Ashanti's account.
3Minds is an unstoppable force, when will they learn?

yes well writen. u only get pushed back 2 steps just so u can jump 4 steps forward.

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