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Tuesday, April 12, 2011




How long do you make a girl wait before you throw them drawers in her face?  So this is MY blog so I can say what I want!  Its been *thinking* 4 months since I've had sex with an actual person (other than myself :-/ ).  I'm also not dating anyone so that would make sense.  Suppose I meet someone and begin dating them tomorrow, how long should I make them wait so that there's still a level of respect there?  Do you put rules on sex?

So there's the girls that are free enough to fuck who ever they want whenever they want, and then theres the girls who hold out because they feel its the respectable thing to do.  Don't get me wrong, a girl that can give it up on the first night isn't necessarily a hoe, she is just a bit freer than others.  There's a difference between a woman who will fuck any and everyone, and a woman who fucks who she wants because she understands sex and knows how to use it to her advantage. I am a bit more prudish when it comes to sex.  I rather date someone, establish that I like them and then have sex with them.  I also believe that girls don't like easy pussy.  Everyone is different though. 


Girls, how long do you make them wait?  Aggressives and femm/aggressives, do you make the fem's wait?


To me I think its a case by case situation...I feel like I'm an adult and I know how to handle myself if I meet a woman and we are both comfortable with having an intimate relationship in a short amount of long as std status is exchanged then I don't see a problem with it...if my gut feeling says to wait and take my time with someone then I will do that instead I think just being comfortable enough (and as you said) "free" enough to make those decisions is what works best for me

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