Saturday, April 30, 2011
Personal Development is Personal by: @KarissaSpeaks
Personal Development is Personal–THE BOOK: Uncertainty to Confidence by:
Karissa Thomas is Personal
Karissa Thomas is Personal
Friday, April 29, 2011
Personal Development is Personal by: @KarissaSpeaks
Personal Development is Personal–THE BOOK: Uncertainty to Confidence by:
Karissa Thomas is Personal
Karissa Thomas is Personal
Friends with Benefits?
I'm very open about the fact that I have no sex life. Maybe a bit too open, lol. I don't care because the minute after I have sex, I might just blog about it. *shrugs* Anyway, while in my drought, I explored the idea of having a friend with benefits. That totally blew up in my face. Now I wonder, how possible is it to have a friend with benefits?
This seems like the perfect arrangement. You have a friend that your cool and comfortable with, that occasionally blows your back out. Sounds ideal. How long can you do this before feelings get involved? Let's face it, we are lesbians. On average, we date and fall in love within the 1st month of meeting someone. Realistically speaking, how long can this arrangement last?
Then there is always that grey area. You finally stop fucking your homie because they have a new boo. Is the new boo supposed to just be cool with the fact that you just stopped fucking your good friend? The new boo puts all these restrictions on your friendship with your ex fuck buddy. "Oh, so your hanging out with XYZ? Mmmhmm. I don't feel comfortable with you hanging with her."
I think friends with benefits can be a dangerous idea. Unfortunately, sometimes I like danger. Is it something I'd go for? Not necessarily. It can be a great relationship if you can both handle it maturely. Friends can be the best lovers sometimes. And honestly, intimacy connects people. It won't be long until someone feels something. On the other hand, don't go fucking a friend every time you get horny. No one wants to be known as the friend fucker. I guess its best to use your discretion. Make sure its something that can be handled lightly.
This seems like the perfect arrangement. You have a friend that your cool and comfortable with, that occasionally blows your back out. Sounds ideal. How long can you do this before feelings get involved? Let's face it, we are lesbians. On average, we date and fall in love within the 1st month of meeting someone. Realistically speaking, how long can this arrangement last?
Then there is always that grey area. You finally stop fucking your homie because they have a new boo. Is the new boo supposed to just be cool with the fact that you just stopped fucking your good friend? The new boo puts all these restrictions on your friendship with your ex fuck buddy. "Oh, so your hanging out with XYZ? Mmmhmm. I don't feel comfortable with you hanging with her."
I think friends with benefits can be a dangerous idea. Unfortunately, sometimes I like danger. Is it something I'd go for? Not necessarily. It can be a great relationship if you can both handle it maturely. Friends can be the best lovers sometimes. And honestly, intimacy connects people. It won't be long until someone feels something. On the other hand, don't go fucking a friend every time you get horny. No one wants to be known as the friend fucker. I guess its best to use your discretion. Make sure its something that can be handled lightly.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The do's and don'ts of @Sweetheatmiami
WE in MIAMI BITCH!!!!... well in 2 weeks anyway.
I figured I'd put together a do's and don'ts guideline for SweetHeat
DO- Go topless on the beach... just make sure I'm there with my camera
DON'T- Go topless at all, or in life, if your boobies reach your kneecaps
DO- make sure you have enough money! If not, you better make sure mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, uncle Otis or aunt Thelma can western union your ass some cash. The easiest way to be talked about is to not have enough money.
DON'T- go walking around bare foot. Just because your in MIA and you can walk the beach without shoes doesn't mean your ass needs to be running around the streets with no shoes. Bacteria is bacteria no matter where you are. Put your foot fungus having ass in some flip flops!
DO- get wasted. You're on vacation! Go to the liquor store around the corner and stock the fuck up!
DON'T- get tooooo wasted. One thing to get drunk and have good times, its another thing to wake up in a strangers room with 2 butt plugs in your ass and one in your mouth. Be a responsible drinker. Your friends aren't trying to babysit you, they're trying to have fun also.
DO- be careful who you try to pick up while your in Miami. Everyone has a similar mission to get out of state ass. That's cool and all but out of state ass can have STDS too. BE SAFE!
DON'T- get mad when I don't share my liquor if you didn't put in on the bottle! I'm not stingy, but if we are all getting drunk from these bottles, then we ALL need to be paying for them.
DO- hit up Wet Willies! EVERYDAY!
DON'T- pack every damn outfit you own. You will only be there 3-4 days. Femmes should be wearing swimsuits during the day and slutty gear at night. No need for 3 suitcases. AG's and Femme AG's, all you need are some damn wife beaters and shorts. Everyone leave your closet at home.
DO- Attend the SOWMA Foundation AIDS walk if your still around on Sunday.
I figured I'd put together a do's and don'ts guideline for SweetHeat
DO- Go topless on the beach... just make sure I'm there with my camera
DON'T- Go topless at all, or in life, if your boobies reach your kneecaps
DO- make sure you have enough money! If not, you better make sure mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, uncle Otis or aunt Thelma can western union your ass some cash. The easiest way to be talked about is to not have enough money.
DON'T- go walking around bare foot. Just because your in MIA and you can walk the beach without shoes doesn't mean your ass needs to be running around the streets with no shoes. Bacteria is bacteria no matter where you are. Put your foot fungus having ass in some flip flops!
DO- get wasted. You're on vacation! Go to the liquor store around the corner and stock the fuck up!
DON'T- get tooooo wasted. One thing to get drunk and have good times, its another thing to wake up in a strangers room with 2 butt plugs in your ass and one in your mouth. Be a responsible drinker. Your friends aren't trying to babysit you, they're trying to have fun also.
DO- be careful who you try to pick up while your in Miami. Everyone has a similar mission to get out of state ass. That's cool and all but out of state ass can have STDS too. BE SAFE!
DON'T- get mad when I don't share my liquor if you didn't put in on the bottle! I'm not stingy, but if we are all getting drunk from these bottles, then we ALL need to be paying for them.
DO- hit up Wet Willies! EVERYDAY!
DON'T- pack every damn outfit you own. You will only be there 3-4 days. Femmes should be wearing swimsuits during the day and slutty gear at night. No need for 3 suitcases. AG's and Femme AG's, all you need are some damn wife beaters and shorts. Everyone leave your closet at home.
DO- Attend the SOWMA Foundation AIDS walk if your still around on Sunday.
Visit the 3minds website today, shop, watch videos & more!
Did you know 3minds, Edits, Produces, & Directs all their own videos? Need a video? For more information visit their site, or follow them on twitter @3minds
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Do you remember when we were just LGBTQ? I was speaking with some friends the other day and we were talking about all the other labels that are now associated with LGBTQ. Lets break down the acronyms.
L- Lesbian: A woman whose primary sexual and affectional orientation is toward people of the same gender.
G- Gay: A person (or adjective to describe a person) whose primary sexual and affectional orientation is toward people of the same gender; a commonly-used word for male homosexuals.
B- Bisexual: A person whose primary sexual and affectional orientation is toward people of the same and other genders, or towards people regardless of their gender.
T- Transgender: Used most often as an umbrella term, and frequently abbreviated to “trans” or “trans*” (the asterisk indicates the option to fill in the appropriate label, ie. Transman). It describes a wide range of identities and experiences of people whose gender identity and/or expression differs from conventional expectations based on their assigned biological birth sex. Some commonly held definitions:
1. Someone whose behavior or expression does not “match” their assigned sex according to society.
2. A gender outside of the man/woman binary.
3. Having no gender or multiple genders.
4. Some definitions also include people who perform gender or play with it.
5. Historically, the term was coined to designate a transperson who was not undergoing medical transition (surgery or hormones).
Q- Queer: Anyone who chooses to identify as such. This can include, but is not limited to, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered people, intersex people, asexual people, allies, leather fetishists, freaks, etc. Not all the people in the above subcategories I.D. as queer, and many people NOT in the above groups DO. This term has different meanings to different people. Some still find it offensive, while others reclaim it to encompass the broader sense of history of the gay rights movement. Can also be used as an umbrella term like LGBT, as in “the queer community.”
Q- Questioning: A person questioning their sexual preference or identification
TS- Two Spirit: These terms describe indigenous people who fulfill one of many mixed gender roles found traditionally among many Native Americans and Canadian First Nations indigenous groups. These roles included wearing the clothing and performing the work that is traditional for both men and women. Dual-gendered, or “two-spirited,” people are viewed differently in different Native communities. Sometimes they are seen without stigma and are considered emissaries from the creator, treated with deference and respect, or even considered sacred, but other times this is not the case. “Two-spirit” is the closest thing to an appropriate umbrella term in referring to these gender traditions among Native peoples. However, even “two-spirit” is contested in modern usage.
GNC- Gender Non Conforming: A person who does not subscribe to gender expressions or roles expected of them by society.
I- Intersex: People who naturally (that is, without any medical interventions) develop primary and/or secondary sex characteristics that do not fit neatly into society’s definitions of male or female. Many visibly intersex babis/children are surgically altered by doctors to make their sex characteristics conform to societal binary norm expectations. Intersex people are relatively common, although society’s denial of their existence has allowed very little room for intersex issues to be discussed publicly. Has replaced “hermaphrodite,” which is inaccurate, outdated, problematic, and generally offensive, since it means “having both sexes” and this is not necessarily true, as there are at least 16 different ways to be intersex
H- Hermaphrodite: see intersex
A- Asexual: Asexual orientation generally characterized by not feeling sexual attraction or a desire for partnered sexuality. Asexuality is distinct from celibacy, which is the deliberate abstention from sexual activity. Some asexuals do have sex. There are many diverse ways of being asexual.
P- Pansexual: Terms used to describe people who have romantic, sexual, or affectional desire for people of all genders and sexes. Used by many in place of “bisexual,” which implies that only two sexes or genders exist.
Definitions of these terms were found on:
L- Lesbian: A woman whose primary sexual and affectional orientation is toward people of the same gender.
G- Gay: A person (or adjective to describe a person) whose primary sexual and affectional orientation is toward people of the same gender; a commonly-used word for male homosexuals.
B- Bisexual: A person whose primary sexual and affectional orientation is toward people of the same and other genders, or towards people regardless of their gender.
T- Transgender: Used most often as an umbrella term, and frequently abbreviated to “trans” or “trans*” (the asterisk indicates the option to fill in the appropriate label, ie. Transman). It describes a wide range of identities and experiences of people whose gender identity and/or expression differs from conventional expectations based on their assigned biological birth sex. Some commonly held definitions:
1. Someone whose behavior or expression does not “match” their assigned sex according to society.
2. A gender outside of the man/woman binary.
3. Having no gender or multiple genders.
4. Some definitions also include people who perform gender or play with it.
5. Historically, the term was coined to designate a transperson who was not undergoing medical transition (surgery or hormones).
Q- Queer: Anyone who chooses to identify as such. This can include, but is not limited to, gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgendered people, intersex people, asexual people, allies, leather fetishists, freaks, etc. Not all the people in the above subcategories I.D. as queer, and many people NOT in the above groups DO. This term has different meanings to different people. Some still find it offensive, while others reclaim it to encompass the broader sense of history of the gay rights movement. Can also be used as an umbrella term like LGBT, as in “the queer community.”
Q- Questioning: A person questioning their sexual preference or identification
TS- Two Spirit: These terms describe indigenous people who fulfill one of many mixed gender roles found traditionally among many Native Americans and Canadian First Nations indigenous groups. These roles included wearing the clothing and performing the work that is traditional for both men and women. Dual-gendered, or “two-spirited,” people are viewed differently in different Native communities. Sometimes they are seen without stigma and are considered emissaries from the creator, treated with deference and respect, or even considered sacred, but other times this is not the case. “Two-spirit” is the closest thing to an appropriate umbrella term in referring to these gender traditions among Native peoples. However, even “two-spirit” is contested in modern usage.
GNC- Gender Non Conforming: A person who does not subscribe to gender expressions or roles expected of them by society.
I- Intersex: People who naturally (that is, without any medical interventions) develop primary and/or secondary sex characteristics that do not fit neatly into society’s definitions of male or female. Many visibly intersex babis/children are surgically altered by doctors to make their sex characteristics conform to societal binary norm expectations. Intersex people are relatively common, although society’s denial of their existence has allowed very little room for intersex issues to be discussed publicly. Has replaced “hermaphrodite,” which is inaccurate, outdated, problematic, and generally offensive, since it means “having both sexes” and this is not necessarily true, as there are at least 16 different ways to be intersex
H- Hermaphrodite: see intersex
A- Asexual: Asexual orientation generally characterized by not feeling sexual attraction or a desire for partnered sexuality. Asexuality is distinct from celibacy, which is the deliberate abstention from sexual activity. Some asexuals do have sex. There are many diverse ways of being asexual.
P- Pansexual: Terms used to describe people who have romantic, sexual, or affectional desire for people of all genders and sexes. Used by many in place of “bisexual,” which implies that only two sexes or genders exist.
Definitions of these terms were found on:
Food For Thought: MaRs laws of attraction
Imagine this, you're at a party, and you see someone from across the room. You approach them. The attraction is strong, the chemistry is there, you're talking all night, only to eventually find out that the person has a girlfriend. *whomp whomp*
What do you do with an attraction that strong? They can really get you in trouble. At what point do you walk away and ignore your attraction to someone who is already attached? Chemistry is something very hard to come by. Some people you just like, and others you have amazing chemistry with. Because it is so hard to come by, people don't want to give it up.
What most people don't realize is that 9 times out of 10, the chemistry is completely false. I think 85% of the attraction and chemistry is based on the fact that the person is not available. Subconsciously, that is the reason for you wanting them so much. Take the time to really evaluate why you only want that one person who can not give you what you want.
For the other party, its usually the 80/20 rule. The person may look so attractive to you while your in a relationship because she offers the 20% of what your partner is not offering. Everyone knows the break down of this rule.
Long story short, if she has a girl, or you have a girl, leave her alone! :o)
What do you do with an attraction that strong? They can really get you in trouble. At what point do you walk away and ignore your attraction to someone who is already attached? Chemistry is something very hard to come by. Some people you just like, and others you have amazing chemistry with. Because it is so hard to come by, people don't want to give it up.
What most people don't realize is that 9 times out of 10, the chemistry is completely false. I think 85% of the attraction and chemistry is based on the fact that the person is not available. Subconsciously, that is the reason for you wanting them so much. Take the time to really evaluate why you only want that one person who can not give you what you want.
For the other party, its usually the 80/20 rule. The person may look so attractive to you while your in a relationship because she offers the 20% of what your partner is not offering. Everyone knows the break down of this rule.
Long story short, if she has a girl, or you have a girl, leave her alone! :o)
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
BOOOOOO You [Label] Whore!
Eeeeek! We all have that one friend who is a big ol' LABEL WHORE! If you don't know what it is, it's a person who won't wear clothes or shoes that aren't a known name brand or from a high fashion store. Why? Could it be that they believe in the quality of the brands? Or could it be that they are just obsessed w' being in expensive clothing, just for the hell of it? Let's take my own sister for example; She will NOT buy a bra from any store other than Victoria's Secret. Understand this, she shops anywhere that sells clothing of her style, it's just her bras that MUST come from VS. She says "No other bras have held me & supported me like these, I don't think I'll ever go back to... another brand". That's not being a label whore, that's just having a certain STANDARD of a type of underwear. Now let's take my friend Chelsea for example (idc if she reads this lol) she won't even buy a regular white v-neck from any store other than the GAP or H&M. She'll say things like "I don't buy things from stores like that" referring to stores like Modell's. Dude, Modell's is a sporting goods store! I don't understand how people will go through WWII to get clothing from high end stores when you can get them from average stores, OF THE SAME QUALITY, for less! I'm convinced people have nothing better to do with their money. I have friends who shop at cool thrift stores & look AMAZING & barely spend that much money. I guess everyone has their own personal values, most of which, value clothing more than anything else.
"When the clothes go ragged, life goes on..."
Written by Poptart of 4Strong :)
"When the clothes go ragged, life goes on..."
Written by Poptart of 4Strong :)
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I don't celebrate 4/20!
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Bubba Kush |
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Hashish |
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Canibus flowering |
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Canibus Macro |
So everyone is going wild over 4/20 today. I don't see the big deal. If you smoke weed everyday, then why is today significant? The weed isn't free today. You're not getting discounted weed. The weed isn't coming with a "buy a bag and get some cutty half price" deal. I just don't get it. Anyway, if you smoke, enjoy today and everyday.
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lol, he's high |
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I'd give my right nipple to look like you...
Miami is right around the corner! I know everyone is rushing to the gym to get their 3 week workout/starvation diet poppin'. Here's some inspiration. MY top 8 celebrity bikini bodies...
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Audrina Patridge from "The Hills" |
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Jessica Biel- Jessica has a donkey for a white girl |
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Rihanna |
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Lauren London- |
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Beyonce |
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Lisa 'Bubble Butt' Raye |
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Lala Vasquez- Look at them HIPS! |
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My WIFE.. |
Monday, April 18, 2011
What do women REALLY want?
Women say that they want a good girl. One thats going to be honest and faithful to them. One that is beautiful, down to earth, good in bed etc. So why is it that when you get that kind of girl, you play them?
I was speaking with another single friend of mine and we came to the conclusion that girls really dont want good girls. It is clear when you continuously chase the women that break your hearts and cheat on you. Good girls are boring. No excitement there. Women want someone they can argue with about what they're not doing. When you have a women who does everything right, there's nothing to argue about!
So in short, for all my single ladies, when you meet a female that you like, play her. Curse her out. Go to the club with her and then kiss someone else. Fuck her best friend. Kill her mother. Eat her dog. Fry her children. They LOVE that stuff. They'll come back for more. I PROMISE.
Okay I'm kidding... A little.
I was speaking with another single friend of mine and we came to the conclusion that girls really dont want good girls. It is clear when you continuously chase the women that break your hearts and cheat on you. Good girls are boring. No excitement there. Women want someone they can argue with about what they're not doing. When you have a women who does everything right, there's nothing to argue about!
So in short, for all my single ladies, when you meet a female that you like, play her. Curse her out. Go to the club with her and then kiss someone else. Fuck her best friend. Kill her mother. Eat her dog. Fry her children. They LOVE that stuff. They'll come back for more. I PROMISE.
Okay I'm kidding... A little.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Heart Complications.
Please, correct me if I’m wrong
You say today is the best day to steal your heart away from all the pain of yesterday..
You say the night is young so let’s just do it & give it all a shot & have some fun
You say give it all you’ve got because.. you’ve got pain & you’ve got a lot
You spite me w’ your words because I try too hard to make you feel like the creator of this earth…
You belittle my attempts at taking the next step & showing you things beyond belief
You revert back to your old ways of crossing the line between love & hate, yet make me stay because of your persuasive words
& I try to decipher your motives of today & forget about yesterday because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.
You say today is the best day to steal your heart away from all the pain of yesterday..
You say the night is young so let’s just do it & give it all a shot & have some fun
You say give it all you’ve got because.. you’ve got pain & you’ve got a lot
You spite me w’ your words because I try too hard to make you feel like the creator of this earth…
You belittle my attempts at taking the next step & showing you things beyond belief
You revert back to your old ways of crossing the line between love & hate, yet make me stay because of your persuasive words
& I try to decipher your motives of today & forget about yesterday because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.
-Poptart of 4Strong
I don’t want to be another crossed out name in your little black book,
I don’t want to be another crossed out name in your little black book,
I want to be the reason that you burn it…
WEAVE your hair alone!
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Before |
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After |
Now there's nothing against weaves. This is my own personal view on them. I felt like when I wore a weave I looked like everyone else. You cant walk down the street and not see a woman wearing a weave. God forbid Rihanna comes out with some new God awful hairstyle, 85% of women will run to the salon talkin bout, "Gimme that new Rihanna". Blah...
The natural look isn't built for everyone though. Not everyone wants to walk around with Loccs or an Afro. Being natural doesn't mean that you have to limit yourself to those two styles either. People weave for change. Some people love to be able to change their hair daily. At the end of the day, its about being yourself and expressing yourself how ever you want to. If that means you wanna weave your hair down to your vagina, by all means, weave up that cutty! In any case, I wanted to share with you some of the effects that weaving can have to your hair.
3Minds thanks YOU @krazysexicool
3Minds has awesome supporters! I was approached by a supporter who wanted to share her feelings towards 3Minds. Because it was perfectly written, I will post it as is.
I was told to be authentic , so I’m going to speak solely from the heart . There are many personalities out in the internet world ,but by far the most motivating group of beautiful women has to be 3minds .
Although , I can only base this on what I’ve witnessed on youtube , twitter & by watching on ustream , I find them to be very positive , impacting forces within the LGBT community . I tune in every Tuesday @ 8:45pm (even though it’s like 9:00pm when they start. lol) to hear them discuss various topics mostly geared towards lgbt , I’m always guaranteed insightful advice , positive words of encouragement , & a shit load of laughs & random fuckery . Following the entire 3minds camp on twitter is great too , the way they all interact with their fan base is amazing , they make people feel as if they have a personal relationship with them . I’ve also discovered that the best way to start my work week after thanking God is to open my email for my 3minds monday words of inspiration , at some point within the week , various situations arise & I’m grateful to have those words to fall back on to make through . These women do everything to uplift & promote artistry & creativity , whether it be by advertising products & services , to hosting events & parties for everyone to enjoy . It would be a privilege to know this wonderful group on a personal level so i could really give in depth commentary on each of them individually but hopefully I will one day get the chance to have the pleasure of meeting them personally & getting to know them . NY is on my summer travels list so i have my fingers crossed that I’ll just so happen to bump into them while out on town & prove that they are really as inspiring , funny , & all around good people as they seem . ♥
I was told to be authentic , so I’m going to speak solely from the heart . There are many personalities out in the internet world ,but by far the most motivating group of beautiful women has to be 3minds .
Although , I can only base this on what I’ve witnessed on youtube , twitter & by watching on ustream , I find them to be very positive , impacting forces within the LGBT community . I tune in every Tuesday @ 8:45pm (even though it’s like 9:00pm when they start. lol) to hear them discuss various topics mostly geared towards lgbt , I’m always guaranteed insightful advice , positive words of encouragement , & a shit load of laughs & random fuckery . Following the entire 3minds camp on twitter is great too , the way they all interact with their fan base is amazing , they make people feel as if they have a personal relationship with them . I’ve also discovered that the best way to start my work week after thanking God is to open my email for my 3minds monday words of inspiration , at some point within the week , various situations arise & I’m grateful to have those words to fall back on to make through . These women do everything to uplift & promote artistry & creativity , whether it be by advertising products & services , to hosting events & parties for everyone to enjoy . It would be a privilege to know this wonderful group on a personal level so i could really give in depth commentary on each of them individually but hopefully I will one day get the chance to have the pleasure of meeting them personally & getting to know them . NY is on my summer travels list so i have my fingers crossed that I’ll just so happen to bump into them while out on town & prove that they are really as inspiring , funny , & all around good people as they seem . ♥
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
MaRs Poetry...
Welcome to the 100th blog entry! I am bored AF at work so I decided to write a poem. It's not from the soul... a bit forced. For me, thats never my best work, but still... I'd like to put it out in the air. Hope you like, leave your feedback.
Where did you come from?
I haven’t seen lips like that around these parts…
But I want to feel lips like those around these parts.
Speak to me.
Damn, I wish I could be the words that fall off your lips into the atmosphere.
Mixing with the space and opportunity that separate us.
But you don’t speak.
You leave me standing there waiting to define a moment that cant be found in any dictionary, thesaurus or encyclopedia.
Let me hear you…
I just wanna listen to your voice interpret my whole nature.
I wanna feel your vocal cords in those shadowed places.
But you don’t speak.
You leave me to listen to pants and whimpers that come from a voice that resembles my own.
Where did you come from?
My brain can't wrap itself around a concept that acknowledges your existence.
So I meditate.
I meditate on the parts of your body that pulsate,
as if to bring you to life.
------------------ and with that, I had a brainfart. Don't mind me, most of my thoughts are incomplete. Maybe i'll be inspired to finish tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed thus far!
How long do you make a girl wait before you throw them drawers in her face? So this is MY blog so I can say what I want! Its been *thinking* 4 months since I've had sex with an actual person (other than myself :-/ ). I'm also not dating anyone so that would make sense. Suppose I meet someone and begin dating them tomorrow, how long should I make them wait so that there's still a level of respect there? Do you put rules on sex?
So there's the girls that are free enough to fuck who ever they want whenever they want, and then theres the girls who hold out because they feel its the respectable thing to do. Don't get me wrong, a girl that can give it up on the first night isn't necessarily a hoe, she is just a bit freer than others. There's a difference between a woman who will fuck any and everyone, and a woman who fucks who she wants because she understands sex and knows how to use it to her advantage. I am a bit more prudish when it comes to sex. I rather date someone, establish that I like them and then have sex with them. I also believe that girls don't like easy pussy. Everyone is different though.
Girls, how long do you make them wait? Aggressives and femm/aggressives, do you make the fem's wait?
How long do you make a girl wait before you throw them drawers in her face? So this is MY blog so I can say what I want! Its been *thinking* 4 months since I've had sex with an actual person (other than myself :-/ ). I'm also not dating anyone so that would make sense. Suppose I meet someone and begin dating them tomorrow, how long should I make them wait so that there's still a level of respect there? Do you put rules on sex?
So there's the girls that are free enough to fuck who ever they want whenever they want, and then theres the girls who hold out because they feel its the respectable thing to do. Don't get me wrong, a girl that can give it up on the first night isn't necessarily a hoe, she is just a bit freer than others. There's a difference between a woman who will fuck any and everyone, and a woman who fucks who she wants because she understands sex and knows how to use it to her advantage. I am a bit more prudish when it comes to sex. I rather date someone, establish that I like them and then have sex with them. I also believe that girls don't like easy pussy. Everyone is different though.
Girls, how long do you make them wait? Aggressives and femm/aggressives, do you make the fem's wait?
Monday, April 11, 2011
"Make Me Feel" By: @thesilentceleb
Her fan base is crazy... so she's doing this alllll for you. Check out the trailer for, "Make Me Feel Good," and take a listen to the song with the link provided below.
Follow her on twitter! @thesilentceleb
Muah, Love you boo... and I see you with that PINK TICKET, CONGRATS!! :)
Friday, April 8, 2011
Featured Poet: General Dan Freeman
I was at work meeting with a client and I casually mentioned that I'm a blogger. I usually don't put my business or my lifestyle out there, but I recognized that this young man was a struggling artist- much like myself. I told him about the blog and asked him to check it out in his free time. He returned to me saying that he read the blog and would like to contribute a piece. This piece is an tribute to 3Minds... I think that's awesome. I would like to thank Daniel for this poem...
"I hope you that you will continue to fight, continue to strive for a vision that is so close to manifesting itself. Your powers as women and especially as a group of women is so important at this moment. I offer this piece to you and the 3 minds with the hope that it will only intensify your voices and vision. Your not alone in this fight. And please believe that the fruits of our labor will soon b received. Many Blessing to you and yours. Peace is the name of loves nation."
General Dan Freeman
Welcome to the revolution.
A war that will be fought using
the tools of our ancients.
My pen and pad one of the oldest of them.
Used to illustrate thoughts, I encase them with
depleted sound and bring life to death with
the trigger of tongue. Reincarnating word's
I project an ancient redemption, with the deadly
intention of coordinating my objectives with the
spirits still walking the earth.
I am the poet.
I am the air that breaths life into
the fires of revolution. Power is no illusion.
So I have poetically encrypted the order's of
ancient gorilla insurgents.
Use them.
And together we will hold poetic offensives
against private investor's at the U.S. Mexican
boarder with Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull.
Welcome to some real grown man shit.
A war that demands my words radiate the
light from stars. Giving my poem's the ability
to illuminate the path for children still lost in the dark.
I write for genius's who are regularly given bellow
average grades, for the second grader's that
have mastered the arts of seduction and receive
their lessons while walking the hallways.
This ain't the sixties with speech's and pa raids.
My team consist of hood scholars, baby mama's,
and thugs over five generations deep in this crack game.
So think poet...
Here is your pen...
The blind must see it move to believe in freedom again.
Write to restore the trust between love and men.
An allow your heart to beat through the pen.
This is war.
Where the only inevitable is the impossible.
Stand alone and the individual becomes dividable.
But together we create the art of peace.
Together we are the voices needed to whisper
encouragement into the ear of Nat Turner.
Our action's become the vision's that awaken Harriet
in the face of danger.
Fighting the good fight
is our only true means towards
an experience called freedom.
Welcome to the transfer of power.
The realization of a dream.
A dream dreamt by
Captin Cudjoe,
Henrique Diaz,
Dom Pedro Albius Compos,
George Washington Carver,
Marcus Garvey...
A dream dreamt by ghost.
Hidden in the hearts of delinquent's
are the keys needed to unlock the chains on freedom.
Welcome to the Revolution.
peace is the name of loves nation.
General Dan Freeman.
encouragement into the ear of Nat Turner
"I hope you that you will continue to fight, continue to strive for a vision that is so close to manifesting itself. Your powers as women and especially as a group of women is so important at this moment. I offer this piece to you and the 3 minds with the hope that it will only intensify your voices and vision. Your not alone in this fight. And please believe that the fruits of our labor will soon b received. Many Blessing to you and yours. Peace is the name of loves nation."
General Dan Freeman
Welcome to the revolution.
A war that will be fought using
the tools of our ancients.
My pen and pad one of the oldest of them.
Used to illustrate thoughts, I encase them with
depleted sound and bring life to death with
the trigger of tongue. Reincarnating word's
I project an ancient redemption, with the deadly
intention of coordinating my objectives with the
spirits still walking the earth.
I am the poet.
I am the air that breaths life into
the fires of revolution. Power is no illusion.
So I have poetically encrypted the order's of
ancient gorilla insurgents.
Use them.
And together we will hold poetic offensives
against private investor's at the U.S. Mexican
boarder with Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull.
Welcome to some real grown man shit.
A war that demands my words radiate the
light from stars. Giving my poem's the ability
to illuminate the path for children still lost in the dark.
I write for genius's who are regularly given bellow
average grades, for the second grader's that
have mastered the arts of seduction and receive
their lessons while walking the hallways.
This ain't the sixties with speech's and pa raids.
My team consist of hood scholars, baby mama's,
and thugs over five generations deep in this crack game.
So think poet...
Here is your pen...
The blind must see it move to believe in freedom again.
Write to restore the trust between love and men.
An allow your heart to beat through the pen.
This is war.
Where the only inevitable is the impossible.
Stand alone and the individual becomes dividable.
But together we create the art of peace.
Together we are the voices needed to whisper
encouragement into the ear of Nat Turner.
Our action's become the vision's that awaken Harriet
in the face of danger.
Fighting the good fight
is our only true means towards
an experience called freedom.
Welcome to the transfer of power.
The realization of a dream.
A dream dreamt by
Captin Cudjoe,
Henrique Diaz,
Dom Pedro Albius Compos,
George Washington Carver,
Marcus Garvey...
A dream dreamt by ghost.
Hidden in the hearts of delinquent's
are the keys needed to unlock the chains on freedom.
Welcome to the Revolution.
peace is the name of loves nation.
General Dan Freeman.
encouragement into the ear of Nat Turner
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Can we accept the Trans Youth?
Did anyone grab the am New York this morning? There is an article inside discussing trans youth and their usage of black market hormones. I read this article and I was happy that someone has taken the time to address our community with something so serious. The short article covers many important issues that our community is already aware of but many heterosexual people ignore.
The most important thing covered in the article is the lack of acceptance that trans youth receive from their parents. Many trans youth are runaways. In general, trans youth do not have the best health coverage. With the disconnect between the youth and their parents, trans youth are left to rely on black market hormones or hand-me-down hormones from friends going through similar struggles. With parents disowning their child's lifestyle, they help to hinder then from receiving proper guidance health wise. The article states that the earlier that the youth receives counseling, and treatment, the less anxiety the trans youth goes through at an older age.
Reading this article opened my eyes to how fortunate some of us are. We really don't see the struggle that the other memebers of our community endure. Everyone has their own personal struggle. Everyone has their story. We all endure a different type of pain. While the articles main focus wasn't about parents disowning their children, I made this my main focus. The affect that acceptance has on the youth is very strong. Parental acceptance elliminates 90% of the issues that we all have went through and and continue to go through as a growing community.
What we have been seeing a lot of is the Transgender community making an appearance on TV. From The Real World, to P Diddy's apprentice style show to America's Next Top Model. People are recognizing us more and more yet, it is still taboo in the trans youths' household.
Anyway, read the article. Leave your thoughts. am NEW YORK article
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
MaRs! Poetry...
I haven't dropped some of my poetry on the blog in a little bit so here you go. This one is untitled for now. When I wrote this, I was actually on twitter. I was thinking of my ideal woman. A mixture of my two favorite things... women and art. I began tweeting and this was the end result. Leave your feedback, hope you enjoy.
My mind is slightly overwhelmed to the point where thoughts ooze from every opening...
Resulting in word vomit... Translating into art
So I let my words paint pictures.
Pictures from the wall deep in her eyes.
Whoever her might be.
Whoever she is, she turns my pictures to reality.
Have your way with me,
the way you have your way with the words that taunt me,
teach me...
Hold me,
caress me.
The way your words...
Touch me.
Do women like that even exist anymore?
Do you exist? Or should I just create you?
A creative mind can master you..
Putting pieces together to make my muse.
Pulling the stars from heaven and putting them in ur eyes,
using the soil to color your skin...
And allowing the wind to shape u perfectly
To fit into me...
By: MaRs!
Addiction to PAIN?
Pain is an addiction. Thats why we always come back for more. Often times we do things that we know will hurt us in the end but the momentary satisfaction is what drives us. How many of us know that certain people are not good for us, yet we continue to indulge in them? How many people say, "I know I shouldn't be doing this," but you continue to do it anyway? At the end of the day we all have a choice. If I know something isn't good for me then I should make the conscious decision to walk away and save myself from the pain that it may cause. Yet we indulge in self inflicted pain. Subconsciously, our brain probably chooses emotion over logic. Logically when know we shouldn't involve ourselves with certain people, with certain actions, with certain attitudes, but emotionally, we give in. I thought about this most of yesterday. What is our obsession with pain? Is the temporary high really worth it? This just goes to show you how POWERFUL emotions are. They have the power to sway you from making logical decisions that may save you from tons of emotional, physical, mental and spiritual pain.
As I continued to think about it, I stumbled upon another thought. Without pain, can we really live? Maybe life is what feeds our addiction to pain. You have to feel it to learn from it and then apply it to life. Blah. I swear I was not high and about 85% sober during most of these thoughts.
Some Moday Food For Thought...
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