I hope everyone had a fabulous New Year!
Today is the 3rd day of the year and instead of posting my usual nonsense, I wanted to inspire a few people.
My approach to the new year is completely different from any other year. Last year was not the best for me. I endured a lot of stress and pain. Towards the end of last year, I noticed things in my life seriously beginning to fall apart. I was having trouble in my relationship, I got laid off from my job and I was experiencing serious depression. I learned a few things about myself and got a bit more familiar with my flaws. I realized that I hold trust in NO MAN, just God. The grace of God is what carried me through. I made sure to surround myself with positive forces who encouraged me daily. The last few days before the New Year, I decided to make some major changes in my life. I felt like I was being stripped of everything. No job, no relationship, no inspiration. I'm a private person, so for me to put all of this out there, it must be for a purpose.
Everything that happens in life is something YOU have control over. The value you apply to your life is a direct reflection of who you attract. If you value life, why let people who bring you do be apart of it? I see a lot of lesbians with a whole bunch of drama in their life. They don't realize or understand that when you fully know your worth and what you deserve, you wont find yourself in most of the bullshit that you are apart of. I don't make resolutions because they're always broken. This year I made the promise to myself to put God first followed by myself. I don't want to preach, but God is the reason I find strength EVERYDAY. Life is ONLY as positive as YOU make it. You have complete control. Don't ever give that control to anyone else. I tell my story because somewhere there is someone contemplating giving up. It takes strength to keep going. It takes strength to remain in control. So while I'm on this road to self discovery, I'll keep you posted. I amaze myself at how strong I've become. Giving all the Glory to God. Who knows where I'd be without Him.
Shout out to all my friends for always being there. Shout out to my Stink.
VERY Inspiring. <3
Most people take the new year for granted, not realizing that NOTHING in this life is promised. You have to start living for yourself & everything that makes you happy.
Great Work, Marsha :]
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